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Yes, that's right, in the foreground that's the Imperial Japanese Navy destroyer Yukikaze, the subject of Brett's new book from Cambridge University Press, making a valiant appearance in Godzilla: Minus One, in fairly accurate historical detail. To read more about Yukikaze's World War II and Cold War exploits, order Brett's Yukikaze's War: The Unsinkable Japanese Destroyer and World War II in the Pacific

New publications from Brett...

“The Pacific Context of Japan’s Environmental History,” in The New Cambridge History of Japan: Early Modern Japan in Asia and the World, Vol. 2., edited by David L. Howell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023): 296-341.

“Building Japan’s Oil Empire,” in The New Cambridge History of Japan: The Modern Nation and Empire, ca. 1868 to the Twenty-First Century, Vol. 3., edited by Laura Hein (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023): 373-400.

Yukikaze’s War: The Unsinkable Japanese Destroyer and World War II in the Pacific (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).